So I have experience in branding and I came across you on IG in no way because of gardening. I follow the like of Yung Pueblo, and the algorithm served you to me eventually.

I’ve fully and thoroughly enjoyed your live talkbacks and even requested your book to be ordered for our KC library system.

From my perspective, there’s no dilemma. Your calling oozes out of you. Maybe you are holding on tight to gardening as a “primary” out of fear? Gratitude? I don’t see your plant work going away... but evolving. What will never go away is the impact you can and will have as beautiful human and black man who has so much to offer for our souls. There’s no conflict: “How to Grow” as a brand is who and where you are now and it’s beautiful, with the opportunity for connection, earth grounding, evolving as humans and other cultural/political aspects that are so needed and meaningful. I hope that makes sense... if not, ask me!

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Another thought concerning the name "Garden Marcus".... it could also relate to the mind as a garden. You are tending the brain as a garden is tended thus making the name very reasonable.

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Hi Marcus- I would love to see you prosper and grow as Garden Marcus. You have so much potential with that ideology and it is not something you come across every day. The market is saturated with self help so the spin with nature is welcoming. It may take a bit longer to catch on (the correlation of plant life to people life) but I think it will become clear that you are using the moniker "Garden Marcus" as your title relating to similarities of plant and people. (It would sound silly if you were "People Marcus".)

Keep faith in your intuition as it will guide you. Best wishes always.

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Dearest Marcus,

Garden Marcus for me


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The answer is already within you and whatever you choose I’m here for it!

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Hi Marcus! Just a little note to say I am one of those that found you via Instagram and then I actively went to see if you happened to exist on Substack (my new favourite online space) and low and behold here you were. I love the connection you draw between gardening and personal growth and I would very much love to interview you some day in the not so distant future for my Substack, A Day Well Spent. Stay in touch and keep up all the good feels :) P.S. Sorry to hear about the elderberries (via Insta)! I just started fermenting a new batch of elderberry wine this week and the house is smelling 👌

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I would lean into whatever feels most natural...whatever will come easiest to you for years and decades to come. And whichever won't feel like "work."

You are extremely capable and while both paths have different upsides/downsides, there's no doubt you can overcome them and succeed in your own unique way. 🙏🏼

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